British Museum Images

British Museum Images image

The collection provides searchable access to almost 100,000 images, relating to early modern and 19th-century Britain.


Main URL

https: //


Representing over 250 years of active collecting and curation, the British Museum Image Collection of prints and drawings (a subset of which is searchable through Connected Histories) is simply one of the most comprehensive collections of images on paper in the world. The catalogue of the British Museum, with associated images, covers the museum's full collection, including both works on paper and objects. The subset of the catalogue searchable through Connected Histories represents items on paper, relating to British subjects, 1500-1900, and includes material such as the Crace Collection.

Strengths and weaknesses

The British Museum Image Collection has tremendous strength in topographical prints, portraits and satires covering the whole period from 1500 to 1900; and includes examples of the work of Hogarth, Turner and Blake. It also incorporates the Crace Collection of maps and views of London. For a detailed history and description of the collection, see the British Museum: History of the Collection.

Technical Methods

The creation of a digital catalogue for the museum's collections began in 1979, for internal and onsite use; and followed the format of extant, paper-based finding aids. In 1999, as part of an update to the system, the catalogue was reformulated to conform to the internationally-recognised standard, SPECTRUM, as compiled by the Collections Trust. The process of adding digital images was begun in 2004, and the decision to place this material online was made in 2006. The web service was launched in 2007.

About the project

The British Museum Image Collection has evolved from the internal digital catalogue originally begun in 1979. Its delivery and development form a part of the core function of the museum. Digital capture of the whole collection is ongoing.


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Search British Museum Images

Source Types

  • Maps/Images


  • Free

Time Period



Trustees of the British Museum

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"British Museum Images" © University of Hertfordshire, University of London, University of Sheffield, 2011-2018; University of Sheffield 2019 (, version 1.0, 27 July 2024),